31.  And some people are very angry at the Securities and Exchange Commission for requiring the changes.

32.  And they are angry at the managed care companies they say are taking over.

33.  And Walesa is particularly angry at Naimski and former Interior Minister Antoni Macierewicz, who both testified against him in the secret hearing.

34.  Another advocate, who asks to be identified only as Sajeda, is angry at the U.S. government for getting involved during the Soviet invasion.

35.  Are they angry at the government?

36.  Arafat is angry at more than just a personal slight.

37.  Another said he was angry at his mother, with whom he lives, and raided their refrigerator.

38.  As Bilder subsequently explained, she is so angry at Republicans for the investigation of Clinton that she plans to vote for Democratic candidates down the line.

39.  At any time, someone is angry at one of them.

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