31.  And, shockingly enough, early evidence in Florida suggests that replacement players are adept at these functions.

32.  And, after starting for most of four seasons, he was adept at calling audibles.

33.  And unlike his boss President Clinton, Gore is not adept at breathing life into mundane lines.

34.  As captain of the state champion Mock Trial team, Jain is adept at looking at issues from two sides.

35.  As a member of the New York Explorers Club, Burnett has always been adept at roughing it in far-off places.

36.  As it turns out, one animal that is especially adept at kinesthetic-visual matching is the dolphin, said Mitchell.

37.  As rookie Jim Cleamons is finding out, the Mavericks are adept at making coaches desperate.

38.  As an engineer, he would be adept at quantitative trading techniques, and GE was pressing Kidder managers to bring more members of minorities into senior positions.

39.  As she has demonstrated repeatedly, she is exceedingly adept at saying and doing things that start tongues wagging and heads shaking.

40.  As you can see, Abdul is adept at answering dumb questions.

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