21.  And if you leave fruits and vegetables where they can get them, Dalmatians are adept at reaching them somehow.

22.  And Karim Abdul-Jabbar and fullback Stanley Pritchett, besides being sluggish runners, are not adept at catching passes or picking up blitzers.

23.  And primary care doctors are more adept at detecting cardiac conditions early on, when surgery can help most.

24.  And it is adept at hiding in hills and villages.

25.  And shoppers are increasingly adept at wielding it.

26.  And some players are adept at exploiting those opportunities with borrowed money.

27.  And once in the open field, Nguyen is adept at swatting the ball loose.

28.  And Rogers is adept at looking benign.

29.  And Samper has been adept at fending off demands that he leave.

30.  And, as he has proved in previous debates and speeches, Gore is very adept at striking back.

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