11.  A better plan would be to launch from Earth on a trajectory optimized for transfer to Mars.

12.  A better plan, I figure, would be to eliminate the middleman.

13.  A bidet is not sufficient to remove the tinctures that must be clinging visibly to him.

14.  A big dray horse might be suited to haul a coal wagon, a more delicate saddle horse to recreational riding.

15.  A bill to let workers carry health insurance coverage from one employer to another should be a sure bet to become law.

16.  A Bill will be introduced to replace private legislation as the means for authorising transport development schemes.

17.  A bitter battle is fought as to whether it should be six or five or four.

18.  A body could also be a traitor, indulging urges alien to intellect and emotion.

19.  A bog garden is a natural extension of a pool in which moisture loving plants can be grown.

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