1.  A developing issue for actuaries has been the question of the possible use of professional certification of reserves for general insurance.

2.  A few hundred yards away at Conservative Central Office the mood has been more subdued, though not defeatist.

3.  A few years ago, launching a weekly magazine for men would have been something of a gamble.

4.  A final trend has been the attempt to contain the growth in welfare and social security spending.

5.  A forest fire had been raging in the south and the sky in that direction had a deep red glow.

6.  A fragile peace ending the seven-year civil war has been in place since last July.

7.  A growing feature of the employment contract over the years has been the provision of occupational pension schemes for retirement and sickness.

8.  A growing number had already been worrying about the social and corporate consequences of such massive restructurings.

9.  A hairless chest would have been a great advantage for a bisexual like myself.

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