1.  The basic knowledge of Chinese that I know is too limited.

2.  In my opinion, above all, I will make full use of the classtime to learn basic knowledge.

3.  We must learn from basic knowledge to advance knowledge just as we must go to primly school first, then to middle school and then to high school.

4.  First, if you want to achieve your ambition, you'll have to make some investigations in advance, you must make some necessary preparations and study some basic knowledge, but a hasty man will neglect all these things above , so he is doomed to fail, secondly , during he procedure, the hasty man will do some work hurrily .

5.  Sometimes we will find some books, which we think of are avaibbe to the tests, and read them more and more carefully to hope we will guess the key of the questions on the test, and give up the basic knowledge which the teacher teaches us every day.

6.  And more practical ones have been provided, such as computer course law, ecomics and other basic knowledge that the society required Third, most universities require students to have social practice and field work before they graduate.

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