1.  A classic example of cognitive processes is that of animal memory and the demonstration of subsequent Decisions based thereon.

2.  A conservation easement can be sold or donated, with a tax break based on its value.

3.  A conventional union based on love and mutual respect is, quite clearly, impossible to maintain.

4.  A diary based development and reporting approach was used in a few cases where close contact with the project team was feasible.

5.  A good education ought to be based on multicultural principles.

6.  A good Marriage should be based on mutual love and respect.

7.  A Graph Window is used to build and customize graphs based on data from the Notebook window.

8.  A great or major disaster is based on the number of people killed and the economic loss of the event.

9.  A health check, in my opinion, involves a clinical examination and intervention, where appropriate, based on the findings.

10.  A health standard based on cost is a different beast.

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