1.  How can I when I know that even this body is a most delicate piece of machinery?

2.  How can observers moving at different speeds all measure light at the same speed?

3.  How can those women who do become conscious of their predicament act to change their situation?

4.  How could anyone, much less a diplomat like Gordon, deal with such unreasoning rage?

5.  How could the man I trusted to make life better turn around and oppose my right to Marriage?

6.  How could the testimony of an unlettered rustic stand against the authority of an Aristotle?

7.  How else can a child hope that justice will be done to him, who so often feels unfairly treated?

8.  How far can programs such as legally mandated parental leaves go toward meeting the individual needs of employers and families?

9.  How on earth can the W.R.U.

10.  So can one book help to solve the problems of many researchers using their microscopes?

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