31.  A body was found at the bottom of the canal.

32.  A boiled egg and two slices of buttered bread had been laid out at his place at the table.

33.  A boy at school had broken his ankle playing football, and everyone in school had autographed his cast.

34.  A boy was carrying a stick across his shoulders with a pail of water at each end.

35.  A broken one can be replaced at a more convenient time.

36.  A broken-down wall at the back enclosed a small, dusty graveyard, with a scattering of dingy-looking graves.

37.  A buffet-style breakfast is served and snacks are available at lunchtime if required.

38.  A bulky shawl wrapped her head and shoulders and was crossed at her back.

39.  A burning, thick discharge like cream, especially if it occurs at the time of the monthly period.

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