61.  I am thinking particularly of one of the Bushmen you knew who was so good at imitating a professor.

62.  I got yelled at at school because I was wearing the wrong shirt.

63.  I had not been gored, chased, or even roared at.

64.  I heard a bullet whistle past my ear, and I realized we were being shot at.

65.  I return to work on the spot with insights into what I am looking at and a clearer sense of intention.

66.  I stared at in disbelief before reading on.

67.  I taught a Sunday school class and sang in the church choir, whose members included soldiers stationed at nearby bases.

68.  I was then to ask what people thought about being smiled at by a perfect stranger.

69.  If Charlie did attack at night, you could never see what you were shooting back at.

70.  If he was not horrible to look at, then he was cruel to forbid her ever to behold him.

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