31.  Could never talk to women, never had the knack for putting them at ease.

32.  Cowboys football changed from something you glanced at between nine-ball shots to something to die for.

33.  Dealing managers and team leaders shout at, cajole and entice their dealers into selling large quantities of stock.

34.  Developing these required equations is at best difficult and at worst nearly impossible.

35.  Dinner is at eight, so come at about half past seven.

36.  During June and July, heavy cloud May at times build up and the weather can become very humid.

37.  Each of the groups we have looked at has important things to teach us, some positive, some cautionary.

38.  Either that or the better-heeled locals enjoy female singers wailing purposefully at their table and moving away only when handed money.

39.  Even in their attitudes toward men they were at opposite ends of the pole.

40.  Fifty miles north, Sarah Morgan had just finished serving a lunch that no one had done more than pick at.

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