61.  A classmate at Fairfax High suggested he meet a pianist studying composition named Mike Stoller.

62.  A clip-on bobbin with a Betalight is used at night, with the Optonic of course.

63.  A cloche can be purchased at specialty kitchen stores for about forty dollars.

64.  A col was reached at the ridge base and we ate.

65.  A collection of paintings by David Hockney is on exhibition at the Museum of Art.

66.  A Colonel Herbinger, drunk at the time, thought in his stupor that the enemy had launched a massive attack.

67.  A commitment to statutory provision alone fails those most at risk.

68.  A community psychiatry system was adopted which had the mental health centre at the middle.

69.  A comparison with the position of young people at other stages in the post war period helps to put this in context.

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