21.  A big pink blob of a face was at the window, peering in at him.

22.  A big shiny pickup truck crammed with men in base-ball caps slowed down and took a look at me.

23.  A biology professor at San Diego State, she recognized business potential in some of her research.

24.  A bird flew out of the tree and Harry took a potshot at it.

25.  A bird pecking at food grains could have known without learning what food looks like, or it could have learnt it.

26.  A bit of companionship with fellow climbers and walkers is just the job at the end of a hard day.

27.  A black Marble eagle crouches at his feet.

28.  A black, felt bowler sits on his head, tilted slightly forward at a rakish angle.

29.  A body of soldiers in sports kit Marched past at a slow, rhythmic pace, singing loudly.

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