1. Dertouzos likes to show off his Jupiter telephone interface, where you can simply dial a number and ask a computer for the weather anywhere in the United States.
2. I asked the computer.
3. Instead of throwing darts at a map, FONATUR asked its computer.
4. Just ask the computers.
5. Should Mary need help remembering proper form on a certain exercise, she can ask the computer.
6. They can even ask the computer for an enlarged image of a tiny portion of the space.
7. Tim Shriver asked his computer.
8. In a network one set of computers asks another computer for files and services.
9. In a network, one set of computers - called the client - ask another computer - called the server - for files and services.
10. The association has reverted to an easier system on the Internet, allowing viewers to see all names instead of having to ask the computer for specific names.