81.  And other masses of fictitious proofs are soon made up, enough to be composed as a "Bible" and transmitted by self-righteous "missionaries" to thousands of freshmen, and gradually form such a stereotype.

82.  The boy jumped up from the stool, and shouted, "We save us just now, we are ordered to move to new dormitory.

83.  I notice that stereotypes in campus are mostly used to make fun instead of making decisions and judgments.

84.  Because of we are Chinese, why do we give up our mother tongue and learn our owne culture through a foreign language?

85.  Therefore, I firmly hold the opinion that all above are the keys to the problem we are talking about.

86.  In a word, all these beneficiaries are going to create hype to keep more of money coming in.

87.  Surely, men and women are created equal, but they are different and unique.

88.  Men are essentially built for physical confrontation and the use of force.

89.  In most cases, women are considered more sensitive and emotional while men are more rational.

90.  From time immemorial, men are regarded as breadwinner of the family as women are considered as householder.

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