1.  Parliament would have unlimited access to the funds, but would have to pass specific resolutions to appropriate money.

2.  A conservative Congress wary of any move toward legalizing drugs refused to appropriate money to pay for the vote count, according to referendum supporters.

3.  But it is unclear whether his successor, George Pataki, will have as much interest in the project or be willing to appropriate money for it.

4.  Congress also would have to approve giving the FDA power to ban substandard fruits and vegetables as well as appropriate money for additional food inspectors.

5.  If it does not come up in the lame-duck session, Congress could still appropriate money next year.

6.  Input from Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., who is from Atlanta, was instrumental in getting the Clinton administration to appropriate federal money.

7.  It could always raise taxes and appropriate more money for itself from the people.

8.  Legislators mindful of the federal budget deficit have been unwilling to appropriate money for the project.

9.  Like the Senate bill, the House one does not authorize a specific antimissile design or appropriate money to pay for it.

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