31.  Anyone should be able to see that I am better than Chavez.

32.  As a journalist, a member of the editorial board of the St. Petersburg Times, I am around newswriting and news-hound types nearly every day.

33.  Despite the royal fish bowl, the princess said, "I intend to continue my studies, as I am doing my finals next year."

34.  Derian is a rugged player, as am I.

35.  Descalzi shoots back, "How am I going to cheat you when the whole world is watching?"

36.  Descalzi shrugs: "I am the prodigal son."

37.  Describing his publication, Next Magazine, he said: "I am, in effect, selling freedom."

38.  Despite their warm welcoming, I am acutely aware of what the Jimenezes may be thinking.

39.  Deutsche Bank AG Chief Executive Hilmar Kopper is to be called to the witness stand by Juergen Schneider's defense attorney, Die Welt am Sonntag reported.

40.  Desiring that my daughter grow up with an intact ego, I am strongly exposed to the validity in such reforms.

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