1.  For instance, with violent and non-violent efforts, the United States blacks struggled for equal rights in fact made significant achievements in law and to a certain degree.

2.  In a certain degree, shopping online is the same as the real shopping in a market.

3.  To a certain degree, he and Jobs are the same kind of people.

4.  To a certain degree, men are taller on average.

5.  From my point of view, I agree with this idea to a certain degree, but not completely.

6.  First, with the population explosion, there is rising in the office space and gas prices, while telecommuting is a proper way to solve the problems in a certain degree.

7.  What's worse, communication between bosses and clients is reduced to an approximately zero degree.

8.  That is to say, people had to reduced their money on both clothing and saving to a certain degree.

9.  To a certain degree, we hardly distinguish one subject from another.

10.  Therefore, we can say there is possibility that each two or more fields can be related when innovation accumulate to a certain degree.

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