81. Not two eyebrows, but one long one, stretching from right temple to left, with no nude skin in between.
82. On the long ones sometimes you think you have to get more power into it, and you change your motion.
83. Once the strike begins, it promises to be a long one, jeopardizing the playoffs and World Series.
84. On the terrorist side, the list is a long one.
85. One pass, a long one to a wide-open receiver behind the Carolina defenders, went over the head of the intended receiver, Jim Turner.
86. President Bush has said repeatedly that the war on terrorism is going to be a long one.
87. Shawn Estes suggested that it could be a long one.
88. She then quickly sells the borrowed stock, creating a short position to match the long one.
89. Since then, however, the road back to Grand Slam respectability has been a long one.
90. Staerkel is also hesitant to recommend tram flaps, saying the operation is a long one and that patients who are obese or who smoke are not good candidates.