81.  Or that rust can be removed by applying a thick paste of lemon juice and salt, letting it dry and then rinsing with cool water?

82.  One quart cool water.

83.  Pillows, even feather, can be washed in cool water on delicate cycle, two at a time.

84.  People soak in the cool waters at the Slide Rock area, where there is a state park.

85.  Place chicken in bowl of cool water.

86.  Over time, cool water from the depths rises to replace warm surface water that is mixed downward by stirring winds.

87.  Place pan in sink of cool water to stop cooking.

88.  Put the cuttings in a jar of cool water and put them in a cool area, away from bright sun.

89.  Place couscous in a fine strainer and rinse under cool running water.

90.  Remove the plants from their wrappings, trim damaged roots and soak the roots for several hours in cool water.

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