81. For example, the trade bloc is grappling with the idea of adopting a common currency similar to the euro.
82. For many people, the mere arrival of a tangible common currency seemed like an impossibility for years.
83. Fines are crucial to the stability of the common currency, economists said.
84. Fines are vital to the stability of the common currency, economists said.
85. For the last decade the issue that has most roiled Conservatives is whether to join the nations of the Continent in adopting a common currency.
86. Former Bundesbank council member Wilhelm Noelling has threatened to do just that if Germany votes to adopt the common currency without meeting all of the criteria.
87. Forging a common currency is the main element of their plan to strengthen the economic and political ties within the group.
88. For one thing, Europe is growing again, moving at full speed toward the issue of a common currency.
89. Germans are demanding strict fiscal discipline to ensure a common currency as solid as the deutsche mark.
90. Germany and France, the driving forces behind the common currency plan, are struggling to meet the budget deficit requirement for joining the euro.