71. Boucher, co-author of the Democratic censure measure, has been phoning his moderate Republican friends to win their support for his compromise.
72. Bradley mentioned other proposals likely to win support for him in East Harlem, including strict gun control and an increase in the minimum wage.
73. A budget compromise that preserves Medicaid as an entitlement, while cutting spending and giving the states more flexibility, might win broad support.
74. A center right party likely to continue economic reforms is expected to emerge ahead at the polls this Sunday as five major parties battle to win support.
75. A House-Senate conference committee will consider the measure as early as next week, and it is expected to eventually win the support of both houses.
76. A government that excludes them is unlikely to win popular support or be acceptable to Pakistan, which has close ties to the Taliban.
77. A package of measures aimed at strengthening the hand of police investigators has won widespread support, and Parliament is expected to approve it soon.
78. A modified proposal won more support.
79. A military coup would win little support among a population that has enjoyed years of economic growth.
80. A similar bill has been sponsored by several Senate Democrats and has won White House support.