71.  This currency could be accumulated by holding, for example, the proceeds of foreign trade sold for foreign currency.

72.  In effect, the Bank of England has to finance the deficit by providing foreign currencies in exchange for domestic currency.

73.  In addition, interest rates on foreign currency deposits might differ from those on sterling deposits, partly because of expectations about future exchange rates.

74.  SHEEP farmers should be working towards increasing the potential for earning foreign currency, according to Welsh Lamb Enterprise chairman Tom Tudor.

75.  Throw down the prices from the West but of course good high real foreign currency for Soviet Union.

76.  Already, the quota system has expired in the so-called B-share market, where shares are denominated in foreign currency and intended for foreign investors.

77.  Along the way they are systematically robbed of foreign currency, jewelry and the better cars, and their identity documents and license plates.

78.  Also, the rising value of foreign currencies vs. the dollar lifted overseas sales.

79.  Among countries around the world, there are many who hold their foreign currency reserves in the form of U.S. Treasury bonds.

80.  American investors are also discovering the allure of markets abroad and selling dollars to buy foreign currencies, stocks and bonds.

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