71. These traits should enable the company to sustain its robust profitability, retain its internationally competitive position and weather potential difficulties, it said.
72. They said that it would enable them to strengthen their competitive position and Eurotunnel said that it welcomed the merger if it reduced capacity on the Channel routes.
73. Livestock and poultry producers are already complaning that the increase in the cost of grain on the internal market is damaging their competitive position abroad.
74. McCurry said US-made planes were in a very competitive position in the Asian market.
75. Questions concerning productivity and the competitive position of German companies should be at the centre of any plan to create jobs in Germany, he said on Friday.
76. Respondents were queried about several workplace issues, including pay, management, benefits, competitive position and job security.
77. The EU is to provide direct financial assistance to modernise the Tunisian economy, encourage investment from Europe and improve the competitive position of Tunisian companies.