71. He already knew he was going to like the American way of life.
72. He is still, indisputably, O.J. Simpson, a celebrity in that peculiar American way of being famous for being famous.
73. He is progressing at a rapid rate, learning English and the American way of life.
74. He ran on a sour-grapes ticket, and that is not the American way.
75. He increased its presentation of classical music, championed the works of American composers and supported civic and educational programs and an emphasis on the American way of life.
76. He refused to comment on the boxing system in Japan, allowing only that he much prefers the American way.
77. His value to us as a metaphor for truth, justice and the American way surpasses his value to anybody as a child.
78. His is, like it or not, for better or worse, the American way.
79. I am living the American way.
80. I am a firm believer in the American way, which is trying to beat long odds to become rich overnight.