61. The weird thing is, Albert comes very close to actually becoming the person he is pretending to be.
62. The weird thing is, he still sees that as an improvement.
63. The weird thing about Rodman is knowing that he already has suffered some of these indignities.
64. The weird thing is that when these hyped-up, fresh-faced guys say these things, you find yourself believing them.
65. The weird thing was that none of the recipients responded.
66. The weird thing is, Morris has been throwing on the side and his fast ball has a lot more pop than it ever did when he was younger.
67. Then weird things happen.
68. The weird thing about going to a third round is that baseball officials have this morbid fear of playing a World Series game in November.
69. The weird thing is when it was closed, it was nice outside.
70. They can go into outer space, they can go to Paris, they can do any weird thing.