61.  The loss gave the Blues a sour feeling, after having overcome injuries to several key players during the regular season.

62.  The program, the captains stressed, should ideally have an eight-week break to allow players to recharge mentally and overcome minor injuries.

63.  The Saints also overcame their injuries.

64.  The Saints astonished many with their ability to overcome injuries.

65.  They have overcome injuries to key players, such as defensive tackle Travis Hall, cornerback Ronnie Bradford and return specialist Tim Dwight.

66.  Federer said he had finally overcome injuries which had set him back last year.

67.  But Surin still has to test whether he has overcome his knee injury last month in France.

68.  Central defenders Neil Ruddock, Phil Babb and John Scales have overcome niggling injuries and will play.

69.  Just when things looked bleak for the Cleveland Indians, the Cinderella baseball club overcame injuries to two key starters for a critical shutout triumph.

70.  The fact that he overcome the injury is a measure of his determination to play in his third World Cup.

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