61. Airlines consider the controversial waiver a key part of the agreements because they allow them to discuss fares and share a range of operational information.
62. Al-Hazmi has been flown to New York by the FBI, where key parts of the investigation are being conducted.
63. Allaire said training will be a key part in making the transition to digital technology.
64. All the same, Airbus has taught Boeing that hype is now a key part of launching aircraft.
65. Bringing a sports teams to Indianapolis was a key part of that campaign, he said.
66. Brockwell said outsourcing its in-house installment credit program is a key part of the reorganization.
67. Both Jamtgaard and Kelly said a key part of their jobs is to train other workers in the company to be sensitive to privacy issues.
68. Both players are key parts of their new teams.
69. But a key part of that prognosis, however, remains Leon Lett.
70. But as the foliage outside the windows grew more colorful, it became clear that the trek north, in itself, was a key part of the experience.