61. Other travelers, however, are trying to find alternative ways to get around.
62. Others, meanwhile, have found alternative ways to deal with the drama.
63. Other restaurant owners have found alternative ways to control their wine inventories.
64. Over the last few years, nonbank companies, like Ariba Inc., CommerceOne Inc. and BankServ have devised alternative ways for companies to make transactions.
65. Potential competitors tired of dealing with the Baby Bells are now looking to cable, the Internet and wireless systems as alternative ways to bypass the regional phone companies.
66. PROPERTY MEASURE ON HOLD IN OREGON Oregon is one of those states where citizen ballot initiatives have become an alternative way of governing.
67. Rail provides an alternative way to travel, an option that will be increasingly important as air and road gridlock worsens, rail officials say.
68. She needs to find an alternative way to continue performing her job.
69. So the dancers try alternative ways of focusing without getting too detached from one another.
70. So pharmaceutical companies and their partners are looking for alternative ways to deliver prescription drugs.