51. They take up small parcels of land, and farmers can still use most of their property for planting or grazing.
52. Until last week many Republicans, including Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici of New Mexico, favored using most of the budget surplus for tax cuts.
53. We would like to use most of this money for a down payment on a house.
54. He said he used most of the money to help run his ruling party.
55. Her family said they plan to use most of the money to pay for expenses when they eventually bring her home from a long-term care facility for disabled children.
56. Instead of using the money to develop the fishing or the shrimp farming, the villagers used most of the money to buy anything they wanted, mainly luxuries.
57. Kwon has said he used most of the money to present the daughter of then-President Roh with diamond jewels.
58. Lott acknowledged that the proposal to use most of the budget surplus for the debt was a one-year idea.
59. McCarthy said a national shortage would be unlikely, since the two U.S. mints, in Philadelphia and Denver, use most of their capacity producing pennies.
60. Most are being used to haul away debris.