51.  Scholars such as Daniel Wilson and John Lubbock made systematic use of such an ethnographic approach.

52.  Secondly, the current technique makes no use of function words.

53.  She made full use of her contacts within the organization.

54.  So will I have to upgrade by replacement in order to make use of the software I have at the moment?

55.  Staff can make use of a wide range of facilities.

56.  The aim was to make use of all available resources.

57.  The idea behind the ion motor is to make use of the electrical properties of ionized atoms.

58.  The industry makes use of a large supply of casual labour.

59.  The laundry is a space won from the two bathrooms by making use of spare space beside the toilet seats.

60.  The most attractive of the prospectuses made good use of photographs.

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