51. There are a number of ways in which to consider whether or not foreign currency or the exchange rate is fairly priced.
52. Profit and loss accounts in foreign currencies and cash flows included in the cash flow statement are translated into sterling at average exchange rates for the year.
53. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange at the balance sheet date.
54. From its exports it can earn foreign currency, and begin to pay off its huge debts.
55. No foreign warehouses were necessary and orders were invoiced in the appropriate foreign currency.
56. Mainly New Zealand wool was used for which just enough foreign currency was released to buy the minimum immediate requirement.
57. One difference is in the nature of the foreign currency involved.
58. In Germany turnover taxes have been abolished and the Bundesbank has dismantled the remaining restrictions on issuance and underwriting of foreign currency bonds by borrowers domiciled in Germany.
59. For exporters who price their exports in foreign currency, a fall in the exchange rate will mean that they earn more pounds per unit sold.
60. The foreign currencies market.