41. Children try to stop the toys in the proper place to set up a Rube Goldberg-like reaction that eventually bops Buzz into the great outdoors.
42. Campers are expected to sit the right way, stand in their proper place and be quiet when Lemon or his staff addresses them.
43. Doctors ask patients to move or breathe deeply so that x-rays can be taken to direct the catheter to the proper place where the stent is deployed.
44. Do we create a narrative account, giving each animal a proper place, as in the Biblical story of creation?
45. Everything seemed to be in its proper place, except for the tree limb protruding from the ceiling directly over the bed.
46. Finally, they set the presents in their proper places, kissed again for a long time, and then went back to bed.
47. Harvey said he has a varied repertoire of dunks, but finding the proper place to use them is not always easy.
48. Gradually it will find its proper place.
49. He says he simply inherited the neat gene from his mother and likes things to be in their proper place.
50. His old Nike commercial buddy, Spike Lee, helped put the game in its proper place by donating one of his courtside tickets to a charity auction.