41. Social workers who find practice with old people somewhat daunting, as discussed earlier May find this way of working is helpful.
42. Some old people are philosophical about death.
43. Some old people who were not included in the scheme as contributors receive a lower rate of pension.
44. Some people are very apt to dump all old people together.
45. Such old people customarily exhibit behaviour which is extraordinarily difficult to tolerate and which raises a high level of anxiety.
46. Telephones can be installed, emergency call-card systems operated and local neighbourly help recruited to reduce the isolation of many old people.
47. The balance in this country between old people in private households and those in residential care is not sacred or immutable.
48. The crumbling sidewalks are dangerous for old people.
49. The idea of the centre was to provide a place where old people could go during the day.
50. The pressures of child-abuse work prevent most health visitors from doing more than minimal surveillance of the frailest old people.