41. Dodd also attacked Franks for voting against the civil rights restoration bill and legal services for the poor.
42. Even if terror groups perform legal humanitarian services, we should be concerned with preventing their terror here, not their services abroad.
43. For the past several months, she has been employed as the legal services coordinator at the Arab-American Family Support Center.
44. Free legal services.
45. Gorton also has backed a Senate proposal to remove legal services corporation aid for impoverished Indians in cases involving conflicts with non-Indians over property and resource rights.
46. Groups providing legal services have been particularly hard hit.
47. Harroch figures the market on the Internet for legal services and products can be huge.
48. He also called for legal education for the general public, wider access to legal services for the poor and revision of the state constitution.
49. He also ran a federal program in West Virginia that provided legal services to children.
50. He has engaged the legal services of Akin, Gump in Washington and the public relations counsel of John Scanlon in New York.