41. There is no mail, telephone and other direct means of communications between ordinary citizens of the two sides.
42. There is no mail, telephone or other direct means of communication between private citizens in the two Koreas.
43. There is no mail, telephone or other direct means of communication between the countries.
44. There is no telephone service, mail or other direct means of communications between ordinary citizens.
45. There is no co-ordinated approach to learning, no direct means of checking results, and relatively little supervision.
46. There is no mail or other direct means of communications between the two Koreas.
47. There is no mail, telephone or other direct means of communication between the two sides.
48. There is no mail, telephone or other direct means of communications between ordinary citizens of the two countries.
49. There is no telephone, mail and other direct means of communications between citizens of both Koreas.
50. There is no telephone, mail, or other direct means of communications between ordinary citizens.