41. South Korea has bought most of its military hardware from the United States.
42. Sunsoft spokesman Dalibor Vrsalovic said their Indian subsidiary will initially produce software, and that Sunsoft plans to eventually buy most of its software from India.
43. South Korea buys most of its military hardware from the United States.
44. The government buys most of the harvest at subsidized prices.
45. The government traditionally buys most of the harvest and sells the raspberries to other European countries.
46. In past decades the Finnish army bought most of its heavy weaponry from the Soviet Union.
47. In rural areas bread is the staple food and families produce their own grain, but have to buy most of their rice.
48. Denmark is presently the only EU member which forbids foreigners to buy second homes, because it fears neighbouring Germans will buy most of them.
49. It also buys most of the five million tonnes of liquefied natural gas produced annually by Abu Dhabi.
50. Most were bought from the former Soviet Union.