31. IT is sometimes forgotten that the provision of public transport is a utility service as part of the socio-economic function of the modern state.
32. KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. - Consumers have every right to complain of poor utility services arising out of negligence.
33. Other fast-growing complaints regard car title fraud and utility services.
34. Review roles of foreign experts in utility services, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
35. The big Oregon utility is among several Enron subsidiaries that sell natural gas, electricity, chemicals and utility services to federal agencies.
36. The cost of utility services was being negotiated.
37. The dispute has crippled public services leaving flights canceled, rubbish uncollected and utility services interrupted.
38. The loan was for the purchase of a utility, Castle Sewer and Water, which provided utility service to residential and business customers south of Little Rock.
39. The increase in fuel prices also means an increase in public transport fares and rates for utility services like water, electricity and cooking gas.
40. The project is part of a program to improve utility services in the Sinai.