31. They said the university is obliged to seek compensation from any responsible party to protect the interests of pensioners and other investors.
32. This assessment process should involve all responsible parties, from the general counsel and CIO of the company to the heads of marketing and quality assurance.
33. Those payments, however, can be reduced by amounts that are paid by other responsible parties, such as the asbestos manufacturers.
34. Though the responsible party must use care in overseeing portfolios, he will not be on the hook if one investment goes sour.
35. Though some of the disparity may arise because companies anticipate sharing the tab with other responsible parties, other studies have detected similar gaps.
36. When meeting over a videoconferencing link to make decisions, aborigine leaders can readily see if a quorum of responsible parties is present.
37. Word inside CNN is that he was more scapegoat than responsible party and held out long and hard, but got the cold shoulder at every turn.
38. According to the daily, animal rights activists have announced they will file against the responsible parties in the courts using the newly-passed Defense of Animals Law.
39. All responsible parties would have to be legally processed and the shareholders, commissioners and directors of the liquidated banks would have to repay their depositors in full.
40. An argument for the reinstitution of the two-party system in our country is that it will train our politicians in the concept of a responsible party.