31. A. The primary reason is that I was very unhappy with the books published by other people.
32. A. The primary reason is the drop in stock prices.
33. Accessing the Internet is cited as a primary reason for nearly three-fourths of computer purchases, industry analysts say.
34. According to Fredric L. Ellis, the Eappen family lawyer, the primary reason for filing lawsuit was to prevent the British citizen from profiting from the tragic events.
35. Bridget was a primary reason for Bueche to push herself to attend night classes for three years, said Jim Bueche, her husband.
36. Burnishing a corporate image, along with the more traditional goal of increasing sales, are the primary reasons that advertisers turn to cause-related marketing.
37. But he is the primary reason why Georgia Southern has returned to the I-AA playoffs.
38. But he said the primary reason for delay was the hope that further questioning of Saeed might help investigators track down his confederates.
39. But his primary reason for signing Maxwell was not totally, perhaps not even primarily, done out of compassion.
40. But in a brief statement, Quayle said disruption to his family was the primary reason.