31. Bush said specifics of his new vision of the national defense would come after a comprehensive review of the military by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
32. But he also has said that tax cuts should come after Social Security, Medicare and national defense needs are addressed.
33. But he said he felt compelled to sign the defense authorization bill because it contained other provisions that he called vital to national defense and troop morale.
34. But, he said, it would familiarize young French citizens with such things as the functioning of democratic institutions, human rights and the imperatives of national defense.
35. Calorad, as it turns out, has nothing to do with national defense alerts via radio.
36. Current law makes it a crime to disclose classified information if it aids a foreign government, exposes intelligence agents or relates to the national defense.
37. First on the agenda was national defense.
38. For now, however, the expanded role of the government is likely to be most conspicuous in the area of national defense.
39. Fong said he and Boxer had different views on everything from education to national defense, as he again proposed an expansion of a missile defense system.