31. Hispanic people can be of any race, although a vast majority identify themselves as white.
32. In the homestretch, she has been working her base of blacks and Hispanic people and women hard.
33. Instead, it allows the teacher to mention Hispanic people at natural times, during regular lessons.
34. It brought Hispanic people together and forced the business community to take notice.
35. It has been a cultural center for Hispanic people in the Bay Area, the one neighborhood where new immigrants knew they could find a home.
36. It has struck a chord among Hispanic people, who have been hearing about the film almost nightly in coverage on the Spanish-language television network Univision.
37. It is an advocacy organization that focuses on issues affecting Hispanic people.
38. It will be part of an ongoing effort to encourage Hispanic people and other immigrants to buy houses.
39. Last summer, some Hispanic people objected when American Indian representatives suggested that a statue of Pope be erected in the U.S. Capitol.
40. Many more are using merit aid to increase the enrollment of blacks and Hispanic people.