31. Bonds and the French currency weakened on the resulting uncertainty, as did shares of French companies involved in government asset sales.
32. A French company has now developed a computer program to find dangerous errors in mission-critical software before it is used.
33. A Eurotunnel unit is the equivalent of one share in French company Eurotunnel SA and one in its U.K. sister company Eurotunnel Plc.
34. A lower dollar cuts earnings of French companies with dollar sales when translated into francs.
35. A lower dollar hurts earnings of French companies that make a large part of their sales in dollars.
36. A French company, Electricite de France, has a contract to do much of the modernization work at the plant if the loan is approved.
37. A few years ago Delouis Fils, a French mustard company, started making a delicious mayonnaise without stabilizers or preservatives that tastes like the real, fresh thing.
38. A French company, Alstom SA, which builds the wheels, is redesigning the suspension to reduce wear, but testing will take several months.
39. A rising dollar brings more francs for French companies converting dollar sales.
40. A number of French companies have been forced to take multi-billion-franc loss provisions to cover the lower value of their real estate loans and assets.