31. Erm there are different things that e effect consumer policy, environmental policy, and there are lots of things that happen in the educational field.
32. Explain why budgets may mean different things to different people within an organization, giving reasons.
33. Moreover, terms such as nutritional therapy mean different things to the orthodox and to the alternative practitioner.
34. But when one considers the different things claimed as the key, comparisons crumble.
35. Take a pencil X and say, what is it that makes X a separate individual from Y, okay?
36. The actual lands, I think it is a little bit of different things.
37. We ourselves are the same it might one subject area, we might have to get down to take on loads of different things.
38. The problem is compounded by the fact that the term means different things to different people.
39. In contrast, if different words are used, it will be assumed that they mean different things.
40. What are the different things in this parable mean?