31. NATIONAL STEEL CORP., Mishawaka, Ind., named V. John Goodwin, its president and chief operating officer, to the additional position of chief executive.
32. Northern Trust Corp., Chicago, named William Osborn, its president, to the additional position of chief executive, succeeding David Fox, who continues as chairman.
33. Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., Des Moines, appointed its chairman, Thomas N. Urban, to the additional position of chief executive.
34. Roger Chiocchi, executive vice president and group account director, was named to the additional position of general manager.
35. Smartflex Systems Inc., Tustin, Calif., named William Healey, its president and chief executive, to the additional position of chairman.
36. Terex Corp., Westport, Conn., appointed Ronald M. DeFeo, its president and chief operating officer, to the additional position of chief executive.
37. There were additional positions that cast Schumer in a moderate light.
38. UNITED ASSET MANAGEMENT CORP., Boston, named John F. McNamara, executive vice president, to the additional position of chief operating officer.
39. Viacom also named Philippe Dauman, executive vice president, and Tom Dooley, executive vice president of finance, to the additional positions of vice-chairmen.
40. Zurich Reinsurance Center Holdings Inc., New York, appointed Richard Smith, its president, to the additional position of chief executive.