21. This new block is made in a very similar way to the other block but with less brick and more breeze blocks.
22. While gonorrhea also exploded in a similar way among gay men, its preponderance was significant not only numerically but genetically.
23. I would have reacted in a similar way if it had happened to me.
24. In a similar way it was the growing wealth of the planters which first drew English manufactures to the American colonies.
25. Probabilities p to p are found in a similar way.
26. Exports can therefore benefit in a similar way.
27. In the past, Quality Circles have been used in a similar way but their scope was limited in comparison.
28. Losses are computed in a similar way to profits.
29. The end of the wave was determined in a similar way.
30. The market places of many an old town throughout the country have been encroached upon in similar ways.