21.  An insurer that imposes big rate increases for sport utility vehicles could also drive many customers to rivals that do not raise rates.

22.  An official at the World Bank said its board was also discussing lending rates but that there was no consensus to raise rates at this time.

23.  Analysts said chances were low that the Bank of Japan will raise rates soon.

24.  Analysts and traders said a weak production outlook could bolster the current view that the economy is too fragile to allow the central bank to raise rates.

25.  Analysts said the Federal Reserve might still feel compelled to raise rates again this year, perhaps at its next monetary policy meeting in July.

26.  Analysts say the slowing economy should keep the Fed from raising rates.

27.  An increasing number of economists believe the economic recovery will be strong enough to prompt the Fed to raise rates, possibly as early as this summer.

28.  And as the economy improves, Japan may need to raise rates to cool inflation.

29.  And Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan suggested late last month the central bank may raise the rate to take preemptive action against an increased inflation risk.

30.  And he has threatened to raise rates as far as he must to cool the economy and the stock market.

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