21.  Gore and Democratic backers have several challenges pending with the hope of overcoming the deficit.

22.  Jim Malinder narrowed the gap with a final try but England never overcame the deficit.

23.  Martinez, seeded second, used brilliant passing shots and overcame numerous deficits in the first set to win her fifth WTA Tour title this season.

24.  Obilic, which had two chances in the entire match, looks unlikely to overcome the deficit in the second leg in Belgrade in two weeks.

25.  Obilic, which had two chances in the entire match, looks unlikely to overcome the deficit in the second leg in Belgrade.

26.  Sakijha attributed the decline in prices to some countries selling their gold reserves to overcome their deficits.

27.  Seattle is hoping to become the fourth team to overcome that deficit in the LCS.

28.  Eddie Jones stole the ball, but Los Angeles committed a series of miscues and never were able to overcome the deficit.

29.  The country usually imports two million tons of wheat from the United states, Australia and some European countries to overcome the deficit.

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