21. He lived to invite friends over and play.
22. He and his wife, Maria, also loved inviting friends over to barbecues.
23. He could invite friends to a fancy restaurant or away on a weekend trip.
24. He said one afternoon his girlfriend invited two friends over and they sat in front of the fireplace drinking tea and talking.
25. Her boyfriend invited a few friends over for brunch.
26. His wife did not wear fancy dresses or extravagant jewelry and often when the couple invited friends over for dinner, it would be a potluck affair.
27. If Charles has an official evening engagement in London, Parker Bowles will invite friends to the palace for dinner or go to their homes.
28. If possible, invite a few friends over so you can rip on it.
29. Invite friends over for a tax-filing party.
30. It also prohibits them from inviting friends over for barbecues and discourages outdoor sports.