21. Having decided upon a starting place, what can follow from the current state?
22. The interviews covered the psychiatric history of each woman, current psychiatric state, and detailed information about their loss of parent and parenting arrangements which followed.
23. Many respondents took the opportunity afforded by the consultation to offer their reflections on the current state of the profession and the issues facing it.
24. The likelihood of the success of this practice depends very much on the current state of the property market, and how badly the seller wishes to move.
25. Whatever the reasons for the current state of affairs, selling overseas has been, and always will remain, one of the keystones of our national prosperity.
26. Already today, investors sifted through comments by other Fed officials on the impact of turmoil in Asia and the current state of the economy.
27. Although the season is still young, the Knicks admitted that they would learn a lot about their current state on this trip.
28. Amelio himself described the current state of Italian film as only fair, but gracefully evaded the question of whether he ranks with the giants of postwar cinema.
29. American corporate managers are cautious about the current state of demand, but remain hugely upbeat about the long term.
30. An odd way, perhaps, to pick a president, but it is the current state of affairs in the Reform Party.